In session 23 + 24 the class had all finished there moviestorm short film so we had a class viewing where we go round to each table and watch different films and we got given a grid where we had to fill in what our group had thought about other groups film. Our group for very positive feedback from the class. The strengths we got from the class was that we had a simple and easy to follow narrative and then the music and the sound effects fitted well to the film and that they were in the right timing. Another positive feedback that our group received was the sound effect that was there when the zombie’s came out of there grave. Another feedback that we got that the class enjoyed was the end credits where there was a dancing skeleton at the side whilst the credits were scrolling up.
There was some area’s that we needed to improve on was that the camera shots that we made were too simple and it needed a more variety of camera shots. Another improvement that the class mentioned was that as the zombies’ were walking they needed to be shorter because the audience would think it was too repetitive.