Sunday 17 October 2010

Horror Workshop

James Ward from the National Film School Of Ireland, graduated for model making and production design for film and television.
First James put a bald cap on someone so when he was molding his face the mixture wouldn't stick to his hair so he used contact glue around the end of the bold cap so it would stick to his head. James then put on polyvinyl gloves so the silicone wouldn't stick onto his hands. He had two types of silicone that he then measured a cup and a half to a mixing bowl and then he used his hands to mix up the two silicone's together.
Once the mixture was mixed together he used two plastic tubes up his nostrils so he could breathe once the silicone was on his face, James made sure there wasn't any air bubbles otherwise when you put the plasticine into the mould it would go through the other side.

James then waited for the silicone to set this takes about 15 minutes, he then gets plaster and dips the fabric into water and then places the fabric onto the face in a criss cross pattern so it stays on stronger he does this until the mask is about half a inch tall.

Once everything has set he told the person who he's moulding his face to then puff his cheeks to take the mask off his face, as there is holes from where his nose was James used a clay to block up the holes of the nose so when he pours the plaster into the mould it wouldn't go through.

James then had to make the plaster so he added the water into a mixing bowl and then added the plaster by getting a plastic cup and then using his hand to siv the powder through into the bowl he then started to used his hand to mix the mixture at first it was a milk like mixture but when you kept mixing it, it turned in a ice cream form.
He then poured the plaster into the mould of the face.

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