Monday 8 November 2010

Bomb Sequence

Section 1: The Task & Planning

We had got given a task to make a bomb sequence of longroad being blown up. We had drawn up a storyboard, which would show each shot in order. We then had wrote a shot list, which means the order of the shots that we are going to shoot at, we need to film the shots in a different order because then we are in two different locations and it would take less time if we filmed it all in one location and then do all the other shots in the second location.

Section 2: Filming & Editing

We didn't film the the shots in order as it would be better if we filmed the shots in one location and then the rest of the shots in the other location. My individual contribution to the production of the bomb sequence was performing and directing. We had forgot to use the clapperboards and we got confused what shot number it was, so the clapperboards really help during the editing process as it would show us the order our shots should be.
We used green screen to make it look like that long road is on fire, and an explosion the way we did this was that we got given a various choice of different explosions, so we then put the explosion that we want and then change the video filter and to the either the blue/green screen or colour key, we then change the colour, tolerance and edge thin, so then you can't see the background colour of the fire.

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