Monday 13 December 2010

Harry Brown

In this film poster of Harry Brown, it shows the main character “Harry Brown” played by Michael Caine is on the right hand side of the poster quite large, he has carrying a big bag and gun this is to show that the film is violent. On the left hand side there is a gang holding guns aswell and the main gang leader in the front. This is showing that Harry Brown has been involved with a gang and that they are looking for trouble.

The design of this film is giving out a grim feeling because of the weapons involved that will show that it is a violent film. The colour of the actors are in black and white this is showing boldness and a dark mood. There is a target in the middle of the poster to show that there might be a sort of assassination in the film.

There is only colour on the target to make the title stand out and that they have a used a blue and red which are primary colours and they stand out against the white. The characters are all black and white to show that is it a grim film and quite dark. They also still stand out when they are against a plain white colour background.

The title is easy to read, it is in a white colour and in a simple font, this is against the target and is slightly slanted like you were looking at the target slanted.

Other Information

Above the main title it says the main character's name that played Harry Brown “Michael Caine” this is showing that the film is mainly about him and that whoever enjoys his films.
There is a tag line at the bottom of the first word of the main title “One man will take a stand” This shows adrenaline in the film and that there is violence and death in the film.
At the bottom the poster is shows the realised date of the film in bold and clear to read so that the audience will know when to see the film.

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